About: Patrick A. Weller, LEED AP
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Patrick A. Weller is the President and CEO of Sol Power Energy, a California corporation, with nearly three decades of experience as a C-level executive in active US energy markets. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from the City College of New York, and certifications from the US Green Building Council and the NYU Real Estate Institute.
Mr. Weller is a successful producer in active US energy markets and has provided a broad range of energy and environment solutions, including designs and implementation of energy savings projects, retrofitting, energy conservation, energy infrastructure outsourcing, power generation, energy supply, and risk management.
Bloomberg Press Release: SOL POWER to Help Farmers Green - Sharing the Sun - Biodynamic™ (BD) Farming Practices With Solar Irrigation Pumping for Water
See: LinkedIn, Certifications,
ducation, Clean Energy Job Training, and Equitable Workforce Programs. We offer clean energy programs and services that foster sustainable conduct, investment grade process, life purpose fulfillment, and value creation.
Our Efficiency and Renewable Energy Training Program removes a major clean energy economy “market barrier” and “project delivery gap”. Property managers, owners, investors, and local/state community leaders now have direct access to our core values, principles and priorities required to develop clean energy programs.
Divine Sol's core curriculum and training services will have immediate impact and improve the quality of life for our Rockford community. We empower program participants with the expertise to implement shovel ready, efficiency and renewable energy projects.